Hmmmmm hot fudge. Do those two glorious words send you on a trip down memory lane like they do me? My wonderful father would take me on ice cream dates as a little girl. And those daddy/daughter dates are still some of the best memories from my childhood. I suppose there is something a bit […]
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!
Over the weekend I hosted an ice cream social for some friends. It was SO much fun!! Definitely something I plan to do again in the near future. Ice creams included French Vanilla, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Northwest Blackberry with Dark Chocolate Chunks Toppings included brownie crumbles, cookie dough, sprinkles, hot fudge and caramel sauces, […]
Northwest Blackberry Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate Chunks
Yes Sir-y… I have officially died and gone to ice cream heaven. When I first saw homemade blackberry ice cream on P-Dub’s site I knew I had to try it. I whipped up a batch today and made some modifications and literally licked the ice cream maker when it was done. Heaven. 2 pints fresh […]
Frozen Mocha Toffee-Crunch Terrine
Yum! Just saw this over on Martha Stewart’s website. Although I haven’t made it yet, I can tell by what’s in it that I would LOVE it. This is definitely on the top of my “to make” list. It starts out with a creamy base of marscapone cheese, fresh whipped cream and vanilla. Then you […]